Friday, August 05, 2005

DART Climbs Rainier!

First post on the WCA blog...our Adventure racing team, DART, headed up to Rainier this weekend for a one day ascent of the mountain. It was a great training and we could not have timed it any better.

We left paradise lodge on Rainier Saturday night and headed up in one big shot. We had two rope teams of 4 people each. About 600-700 feet from the top one member of my rope team became ill and we made the decision to stop and try and get him a ride down the mountain to the closest flat spot from any teams heading in that direction. Unfortunately no teams passed us going down so we turned around just short of the top. It was still an epic push and we all agreed it was the move to make.

Our other rope team managed to summit. You can see Matt, Cyril and Sylvie (Tyler Patterson is snapping the picture) standing on top of the pacific northwest on the glorious climbing day we had. What a climb.

Cyril and Matt are headed down to California for a 24 hour race called Explore California in Santa Ana. Check the race details out at:


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