Sunday, November 19, 2006

On the road again...ecomotion 2006 is over

Well we are headed back and made it to the airport today, had some time to reflect back on our adventures and we all seem to feel good about our race, other than the outcome of course.

We did not finish and pulled ourselves from the race somewhere around checkpoint 20 due to tendonitis in my ankle and a sever pain that I had never encountered before. This was outside of my pain prison capacity and made me question the long term ramifications of continuing. It´s over now, still utilizing good pain management techniques today and will hopefully begin to feel less in the near future. Thoughts: perhaps I should have traveled during the race with stronger drugs.?.?

The team has stayed tight and we really enjoyed our time together after the race. We stayed in Paratay (pear-a-che), which was the second town ever colonized and settled by the Poteguese. It was very historic and at the same time very young and filled with travelers and party people. The sea and the sights were very cool.

The post race production was huge and left a lasting impression on me. I will be back to Brazil to race Ecomotion again, hopefully in 2007. It was announced that they will host the 2008 AR World Championships, so we might be back for that as well.

Brazil in general is a must visit and will be on my list of travel locations with JVG...perhaps post race 2007?

Now, some time off the feet for a while. Ciao.

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